Recognized for exceptional customer service
Experience with non-profit organization and facility management
Writing for newspapers and specialized publications
20 years' experience in all aspects of traditional library functions
Highly creative, lateral thinker
Exceptional organizational and documentation abilities
Above average verbal (public speaking) and written (media copy) proficiencies
Initiative, energy and persistence to attain goals
Ability to proactively predict and solve potential obstacles to projects
Excellent computer skills
WordPerfect 9.0, Microsoft Office 97, Windows 98
Graphics programs. Internet research. HTML page creation and maintenance
Familiarity with digital archiving software and issues
Experience with bulk scanning and image manipulation
Ability to work diligently without supervision
Ability to handle large bodies of relatively disorganized information
Attentive to both the detailed and the global view
Independent; optimistic; frugal; resourceful; flexible; creative